Before & After School Options Now Enrolling!

AU is a TK/K – 5th Grade enrichment program that provides
Transportation, Homework & Reading Support, Project-Based Learning and
Social/Recreational time for Albany & Berkeley students!

2024/2025 School-Year Registration

TK/Kindergarten Registration is now Open!

1st-5th Grade Registration Application

Afterschool University is an enrichment program for children ranging from TK/K to fifth grade. We provide pick up from the elementary schools in the Albany Unified School District and Thousand Oaks Elementary. We also allow drop offs for student’s outside of our district. We follow the AUSD calendar, are open until 6:00pm, and offer both before and after school options. 

As a program, we focus on project based learning, outdoor activities and tutoring.  A typical day in the afterschool begins with early bird pick up from school. Students report to their AU teacher in a designated location and make their way to our site either by van or walking. Once the early birds arrive, they get ready to have snack and outdoor play for the next hour. We play sports at the park like soccer, football and volleyball. We also do jump rope, chalk and other various tag games. After being outside for about an hour, we make our way inside to do a 30 minute project or activity. Students learn various things through our activities, such as teamwork, public speaking, healthy habits and how to get to know each other. During this time the late birds are just arriving and having snack outside. All birds come together for homework and reading, where we offer tutoring, read alouds and reading activities. Once students have read and worked on their homework for about 45 minutes, we have a session of free play until the end of the day. Students at this time love to color, draw, play legos, trains, blocks and various board/card games.  

Aside from our regular days, we also offer additional programming for the students. We have organized a series of clubs that our teachers run on a bi weekly basis. Every day there is a different club that students have the option to join during reading time. Some of our favorites are the science association, jewelry club, spanish society and art club. We also have special activities such as making s’mores, movie/pajama day every other month, dance parties, carnivals and field trips.  

Our most important goal is to create a community amongst our students and teachers. We have a staff-to-student ratio of 1-to-8 and all of our staff have a minimum of 5 years experience. We strive to foster friendships and support students through their developmental and educational journey.